On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers injured several Palestinians, including one they assaulted in his shop before abducting him, in Beita town, south of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank’s northern part.

Several military vehicles invaded the town, leading to protests, and fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

Medical sources have confirmed that several Palestinians suffered lacerations and bruises, and the effects of tear gas inhalation before local medics administered the needed treatment.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked a shop in the town, and assaulted its owner, Tareq Bani Shamsa, before abducting him.

Another Palestinian, Hasan Barham, also suffered cuts and bruises after the soldiers assaulted him.

Furthermore, many military vehicles invaded Ras Al-Ein, Kroum Ashour, and Fatayer neighborhoods in Nablus city, and fired many live rounds and concussion grenades.