On Thursday, Palestinian Arabic dailies focused on a gathering between Hamas and Fateh officials in Doha, last night, as part of an effort to forward intra-Palestinian reconciliation talks.

According to the reports, two delegations from Hamas and Fateh gathered in Doha, the capital of Qatar, for talks on achieving Palestinian national reconciliation.

Meanwhile, al-Ayyam and al-Hayat al-Jadida informed, according to WAFA, that the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem has approved a plan to construct a settlement building in the annexed East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan.

Al-Quds reported that the Israeli navy detained 10 Palestinian fishermen, while they were sailing off the Gaza shore, in addition to their fishing boats.

Al-Ayyam reported that defacto Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas began an official visit to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Belgium.

Al-Quds also said that the Arab Parliament has condemned the position of countries that voted in favor of Israel as head of the United Nations’ legal committee.

Related — Awawda: “Israel As Head Of UN Legal Committee, Like Asking Mafia To Head Anti-Crime Force”

Al-Ayyam and al-Quds both said that the Israeli government, in its weekly session set for Sunday, is expected to discuss a plan to demolish “thousands of Arab-owned homes” in Israel, under the pretext of construction without permission.

To be noted, Israel rarely issues construction permits for Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank, prompting them to embark on construction without obtaining construction permits.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported that Abbas met with King Abdullah II, of Jordan, in Amman on Wednesday evening, aiming to improve mutual Palestinian-Jordanian relations.

Also of interest: 07/23/15 BESA Poll: 53% of Israelis Agree on Settlement Evacuation