The Israeli administration, on Sunday, sentenced Palestinian child, Hammoudeh Khader Sheikh, to 10 years in prison, Quds News Network reported.

The boy, 15, from occupied East Jerusalem, southern West Bank, was shot and injured by occupation soldiers on August 15, 2019, while with his friend Naseem Imkafeh, 15, whom the soldiers killed.

Israeli authorities alleged that the youths attempted to stab Israeli soldiers near the entrance of the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Noteworthy, 8 Palestinian civilians were detained on Sunday, one of them a 17 year old.

According to Addameer, Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, 150 children between 16 and 18 years of age and 20 children below the age of 16 are currently imprisoned by the Israeli occupation.

~ QNN, Addameer
Image: PNN