Summary for November 5 – 11, 2020

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued to commit crimes and multi-faceted violations against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians. This week, Kamal Abu-Wa’er, a 46-year-old Palestinian imprisoned by Israel for the last 17 years was pronounced dead on Tuesday evening, 10 November 2020, at Shamir Medical Center in Israel. The late Abu-Wa’er, originally from Ya’bad village near Jenin, suffered throat cancer and his health had been steadily declining for over a year. Abu-Wa’ar is the second prisoner to die in Israeli prison in 2020.

Kamal Abu Wa’er

Abu-Wa’er’s death sheds light on the general decline in the living conditions for thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons, and reveals the extent of punitive measure Israel shamelessly adopts against them; namely medical negligence, as Israeli authorities delay offering needed medical treatment, and do not provide the necessary medications for hundreds of prisoners with chronic diseases. This medical negligence is a serious violation of the occupation authority’s duties to provide humane imprisonment conditions and health care pursuant to the Fourth Geneva Convention stipulations, particularly Articles 85 and 125.

IOF also continued to attempt to create new facts on the ground by maintaining its policy of demolishing, confiscating and razing Palestinian houses and properties for its settlement expansion schemes in the West Bank.

This week, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) documented 180 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by IOF and settlers in the oPt. It should be noted that the limitations due to the corona virus pandemic, has limited PCHR’s fieldworkers mobility and ability to conduct field documentation; therefore, the information contained in this report are only part of the continued IOF violations.

IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity:

Seven Palestinian civilians, including three children, sustained wounds in IOF excessive use of force in the West Bank; as well as one fisherman in Gaza. Also this week, IOF raided Dr. Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarem, northern West Bank; fired sound bombs in the emergency room terrorizing patients and medical crews and causing damage.

In the Gaza Strip, six IOF shootings were reported at agricultural lands eastern Gaza Strip; and two other shooting incidents against fishing boats, western Gaza.

IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians:

IOF carried out 96 incursions into the West Bank, including the invasion of civilian homes and shootings, inciting fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 94 Palestinians were arrested, including 9 children and 2 women (one of whom is a journalist). In Gaza, IOF conducted a limited incursion into eastern Central Gaza.


PCHR documented 7 incidents, including:

    Bethlehem: a Palestinian was served a notice to vacate his land for planned confiscation; an agricultural room was demolished;

    East Jerusalem: Demolitions in Wadi Al-Rababa – Silwan village; a car wash, container and barracks were demolished in ‘Anata; and a house demolished in Sur Baher.

    Hebron: an aluminium workshop destroyed; 5 cease-construction served to 3 Palestinians for alleged unlicensed construction.


PCHR fieldworkers reported and documented an incident where a group of settlers detained a Palestinian in his land in al-Rajman area, Beit Dajan, Nablus.

Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement:

The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the history of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life.

Meanwhile, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.
I. Shooting and other Violations of the Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

  • At approximately 17:00 on Thursday, 05 November 2020, IOF gunboats stationed off al-Waha area, northwest of Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 2 nautical miles, opened heavy fire and pumped water at them, causing fear and panic among them and forcing them to flee. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Friday, 06 November 2020, IOF stationed near the annexation wall along Eastern Toura village borders, west of Jenin, opened fire at a 25-year-old civilian, from Nazlet Zeid village, when he was near the security fence. As a result, he was injured with a bullet in the right shoulder.
  • At approximately 09:40, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, east of Deir al-Balah in Central Gaza Strip opened fire at the agricultural lands by the landfill, west of the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 14:00, Palestinian young men gathered in Bab al-Zawiyah area in central Hebron and threw stones and empty bottles at the checkpoint established at the entrance to the closed Shuhadaa’ Street leading to Tel Rumeida area. IOF fired sound bombs and teargas canisters at the stone-throwers and chased them to the market area, forcing shops to close. The clashes continued until 18:00, but no casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:30 on Saturday, 07 November 2020, IOF stationed at the “northern entrance” established on Kufur Qaddoum lands, north of Qalqilia, suppressed a protest organized by dozens of Palestinian civilians. IOF chased the young men, who gathered in the area and clashed with them, firing rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, a 22-year-old civilian was injured with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the back while another 20-year-old was injured with a rubber bullet in the foot.
  • At approximately 16:00, an IOF infantry unit moved from the watchtower established at the western entrance to al-‘Arroub refugee camp, into the refugee camp, north of Hebron. The soldiers deployed between houses, and young men gathered in the area and confronted the troops by throwing stones at them. The soldiers chased the stone-throwers through the neighborhoods, firing sound bombs and teargas canisters. As a result, a number of young men suffocated due to teargas inhalation. The soldiers were in the camp until 18:00 while no house raids were reported.
  • At approximately 17:00, IOF gunboats stationed off al-Waha area, northwest of Beit Lahia, chased Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 1 nautical mile and opened heavy fire at them. As a result, Mohammad ‘Ali Yasin Zayed, 26, fisherman from Beit Lahia, sustained a minor injury caused by a rubber bullet in the left thigh when he was on a boat with his brother, Maysarah, 18. The shooting and chasing also caused fear and panic among fishermen and forced them to flee.
  • At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 08 November 2020, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, northeast of al-Bureij in central Gaza Strip, fired teargas canisters at bird hunters, west of the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 12:00, IOF stationed inside the border fence, east of Khan Younis, opened fire at the agricultural lands and a sanitation truck in eastern ‘Abasan town adjacent to the fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 20:00, Karam Eyad Mahmoud Sammar, 17, from al-Yamun village, northwest of Jenin, sustained various bruises all over his body after being assaulted by IOF when he was near the security fence in Rumana village to the western side of Jenin. An ambulance arrived and took him to the Governmental Hospital in Jenin. Sammar was trying to infiltrate into Israel via the security fence seeking a job opportunity.
  • At approximately 01:30 on Monday, 09 November 2020, IOF raided Dr. Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital, IOF moved into the Hospital’s western yard in Tulkarem, north of the West Bank. One of its soldiers fired sound bombs inside the Emergency Department, causing fear among patients and their companions and some damage.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Monday, 09 November 2020, IOF inside the border fence, northeast of al-Bureij in central Gaza Strip fired teargas canisters at some bird hunters, west of the border fence. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 07:30 on Tuesday 10 November 2020, IOF stationed inside the Gaza – Israel border fence, east of Khan Younis, opened fire at the adjacent agricultural lands in eastern Qarara. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF invaded ‘Ebeid neighborhood, west of al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They deployed in the neighborhood and established checkpoints at the main entrance. Meanwhile, young Palestinian men protested and threw stones, fireworks and Molotov Cocktails at the IOF, who responded by firing rubber-coated metal bullets, teargas canisters and sound bombs at the protesters. IOF arrested Anwar Sai ‘Abeid, 22.
  • On Tuesday evening, Kamal N. Abu-Wa’er, a 46-year-old Palestinian imprisoned by Israel for the last 17 years was pronounced dead on Tuesday evening, 10 November 2020, at Shamir Medical Center in Israel. The late Abu-Wa’er, originally from Ya’bad village near Jenin, suffered throat cancer and his health had been steadily declining for over a year. In October 2019, Abu-Wa’er, who was imprisoned at Gilboa’ prison, was diagnosed with throat cancer and transferred to Rambam Hospital in Haifa for chemotherapy, which was delivered to him via a chest-tube. His health condition rapidly deteriorated, as he suffered breakdown of platelets, extreme fatigue, and difficulty breathing, dysphasia, and extreme weight loss as he required tube feeding, according to the Commission of Detainees Affairs.
    In July, Abu Wa’er contracted COVID-19 and was transferred from Gilboa’ prison to Ramla Prison Clinic. He was put on an assistive breathing device; but unfortunately, his health continued to decline, and he was transferred back to Shamir Medical Center where he was pronounced dead yesterday. Abu-Wa’er’s death shed a light on the general decline in the living conditions for thousands of Palestinians in Israeli prisons, and reveals the extent of punitive measure Israel shamelessly adopts against them; namely medical negligence, as Israeli authorities delay offering needed medical treatment, and do not provide the necessary medications for hundreds of prisoners with chronic diseases. This manifestation is a serious violation of the occupation authority’s duties to provide humane imprisonment conditions and health care pursuant to the Fourth Geneva Convention stipulations, particularly Articles 85 and 125.
  • At approximately 06:50 on Wednesday, 11 November 2020, IOF stationed inside the Gaza-Israel border fence, east of Khan Younis, opened fire at the adjacent agricultural lands and bird hunters, east of Khuza’a. No casualties were reported.
  • At approximately 08:30, IOF stationed by the annexation wall near “Oranit” settlement, southern Qalqilia, opened fire at a group of Palestinians attempting to cross into their lands to harvest olive trees in Azzun Atma village. As a result, Mo’nes M. I. Younis, 16, from Sanniriya village, Qalqilia, sustained three rubber-bullet injuries in the abdomen and feet. He was immediately transported to Yasser Arafat Hospital in Salfit for treatment.
  • At approximately 13:00, a group of Palestinians gathered by the entrance of Fawwar refugee camp, Hebron, where IOF maintain a military watchtower. The group blocked the road and set tires ablaze. Two IOF patrols arrived at the camp’s main road and were met with stones; soldiers chased the boys across fields and fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, many suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The clashes continued until 17:00, during which IOF closed the camp’s entrance and banned traffic to and from the camp.
  • At approximately 15:00, a group of young men and boys gathered by the entrance to Beit Ummar village, northern Hebron, where IOF maintain a military watchtower. The group threw stones at the watchtower and set tires on fire. IOF military vehicles arrived at the village; soldiers chased the stone-throwers in Asida area and fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, many suffocated due to tear gas inhalation. The clashes continued until18:30, IOF fired rubber bullets and injured a 14-year-old boy in his right hand, and a 16-year-old boy in his left leg. They were both transported to the emergency department in the village.
  • At approximately 15:30, a group of young men and boys gathered by al-Bireh’s northern entrance and threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed at al-Mahkama military checkpoint, established near “Beit El” settlement, north of al-Bireh. A group of soldiers fired tear gas and stun grenades, as well as rubber bullets and clashes erupted causing dozens of cases of tear-gas inhalation. IOF chased and arrested: Amro A. Arar, 19; Ahmed H. Dar Omar, 20, from Qarawat Bani Zeid village, northwestern Ramallah. The group gathered again and threw stones at the soldiers stationed behind cement blocks; the soldiers responded with shooting tear gas canisters, directly aimed at the boys, and chased them. They arrested 6 Palestinians, including two children and detained them inside al-Mahkama checkpoint. The arrestees are: Mounir S. Abu-Arkoub, 17, from Kafr Ein village; Yousif A. Dardas, 17, and Khaled M. al-Masri, 24, from Abwein village; Fathi M. Fahel, 20, from Kobar village; Amer A. Qendah, 18, from Abu Shukheidim village; and Baraa Shalaldeh, 20, from Ramallah.

II. Incursions and Arrests

Thursday, 05 November 2020:

  • At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast to the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Yazan Amjad Obaid’s, 19, house and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Khillat Hadour, the southern area of Hebron. They raided and searched Abdullah Wissam Abu Shamsiya’s, 19, house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Illar, north of Tulkarem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested five civilians and released them later. The arrestees are: Emad Ahmed Abu Esba, Nazeer Mohammed Nassar, Jameel Jamal Ja’ar, Jaser Mohammed Kharouf, and Nader Salem Kharouf.
  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Attil village, north of Tulkarem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Marwan Mahmoud Sidqi and Amjad Adnan Abu Khalil. They were released later.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Deir al-Ghusun village, north of Tulkarem. They arrested Fo’ad Mohammed al-Qeb and released him later.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Seida village, north of Tulkarem, and arrested Lo’ay Fadi al-Ashqar and Fadi Monther Raddad. IOF released them later.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Abu Freiha area in Beit Sahur. They raided and searched Hamada Omar Abayat’s, 30, house and took him to an unknown destination.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Yazan Amjad Obaid, 19, and Yazan Emran Obaid, 18, and arrested them.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched Abdullah Mohammed Rasras’, 25, house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into Deir Sharaf village, west of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Fakher ‘Aqil As’ad Zaghloul, 22.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Beit Hanina, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ahmed Ali Shalalida’s house and took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 04:30, IOF moved into Azun, east of Qalqiliia, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested three civilians. The arrestees are: Abdul Karim Yaser Hussain, 24, Mostafa Sufian al-Riyashi, 23, and Zeid Fathi Swaidan, 19.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into Beit Rima village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched Ghassan Ehsan al-Rimawi’s, 31, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF stormed a bird’s store bear Road 90 in al-Auja village, north of Jericho governorate. They raided and searched the store which belongs to Omar Nasrallah al-Salaima and confiscated about 20 birds (various kinds).
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into Wadi al-Joz, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched the Secretary General of the Clans of Jerusalem and Palestine, and head of the Arab Jerusalem Campaign, Abdullah Hasan ‘Alqam, 53, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ali Mohammed al-Kaswani’s, 18, house and took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out five incursions in Sebastia in Nablus governorate; al-Nazla al-Sharqiya and al-Wusta, north of Tulkarem; Azun, east of Qalqilia; and Kafr Ne’ma, west of Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Friday, 06 November 2020:

  • At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiya village, north of Ramallah governorate. They raided and searched Laith Mahmoud Ladadwa’s, 23, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 05:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Jenin refugee camp, west of Jenin. They deployed among civilians’ houses and stormed two houses belonging to Najeeb Awni Hawil, 30, and Ahmed Mahmoud Nasharti, 28.
  • IOF carried out four incursions in Beit Kahil and Deir al-‘Asal, in Hebron governorate; Ramallah and Betunia, west of Ramallah. No arrests were reported.

Saturday, 07 November 2020:

  • At approximately 22:00, IOF arrested Hamza al-Tamimi, 22, from Dahiyat al-Salam area in Anata, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem, while appearing for a summons from the Israeli Intelligence Services, and he was brought to the court the next morning. It should be noted that al-Tamimi was arrested a day before his wedding day.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF arrested Mosbah Majed al-Waridat, 33, from al-Thahiriya, south of Hebron, while present near the border fence near “Meitar” military checkpoint, west of the village. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF stationed at Container military checkpoint, east of Bethlehem, arrested Monjed Mohammed al-Darawish, 27, from Dura, south of Hebron governorate, while passing through the checkpoint. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
  • IOF carried out three incursions into Yatta, Hebron and Surif. No arrests were reported.

Sunday, 08 November 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into the prisoner Nazmi Mohammed Abu Baker’s, 49, house, from Yabad, west of Jenin. They raided and searched the house and no arrests were reported. It should be noted that Abu Baker was accused of killing an Israeli soldier by throwing a stone at his head in an IOF raid into the village in May 2020.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Tur neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched several houses and arrested four civilians; Ahmed Marwan Abu Jom’a, 20, Ameer Ra’ed Abu Mfareh, 21, Mohammed Naji Abu Jom’a, 18, and Abdullah Mohammed Abu Jom’a, 19.
  • At approximately 10:00, Ali Belal Taha, 17, from Shu’fat refugee camp, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem, surrendered himself to al-Ramla prison to serve his 4 and a half months sentence. Taha was previously injured by IOF. Bilal Taha stated that his son, Ali, received a summons to surrender himself after being sentenced to jail last week. Taha would stay in al-Ramla prison for 2 weeks (within the COVID-19 preventive measures) then he will be transferred to al-Damoun prison to serve the full duration of his sentence.
    Taha said that his son was injured in 02 July 2019, while passing through Shu’fat refugee camp’s checkpoint, when IOF opened fire at him and shot him in the leg. IOF arrested him while he was bleeding; despite the injury they assaulted him and detained him in a room before transferring him to the hospital via an Israeli ambulance. His family knew nothing about him, and they were banned from accompanying him. Taha added that Ali spent 14 days under arrest in the hospital despite his injury, then he was released on an open-ended house arrest in Beit Hanina. In September 2019, his sentence was reduced from the house arrest in Beit Hanina to house arrest in his house in Shu’fat refugee camp. He also mentioned that Ali had received 8 surgeries and is still in need for two others.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF moved into Beit Hanina, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Shady Saad al-Mtour’s, 44, house, the Secretary of Fatah movement in Jerusalem, and handed him a summons to refer to al-Maskoubeya investigation center in West Jerusalem.
  • Fadi al-Mtour, Shady’s brother, said that the Israeli Intelligence Services interrogated his brother for several hours and then they handed him a decision signed by the Israeli Minister of Internal Security that imposed restrictions on his movement claiming that he was perpetuating Palestinian sovereignty inside Jerusalem and threatening the security of Israel. Fadi added that his brother was prevented from making any activities in Jerusalem or providing any assistances, even humanitarian, for the city residents; he was also banned from organizing or participating in any conferences or events in the city. It should be noted that this decision came after dozens of decisions, summonses, and arrests against Mr. al-Mtour, including banning his entry to al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem’s Old City, as well as prohibiting his contact with twenty two activists and prominent figures.
  • At approximately 15:00, IOF stationed at Bab Huta, one of the Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, arrested Shady Talal Abu Snaina, 26. He was taken to one of the police stations in the city.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF arrested 3 civilians from al-Jalama village, north of Jenin, attempted to enter Israel through the annexation wall’s gate for work. IOF took Mohammed Yaser Sha’ban, Mohammed Zakaria Hamdan, and Fadi Mohye Abu Farha to an unknown destination.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF moved into Bab Huta, one of the Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Rami Saleh al-Fakhouri’s, 29, house and confiscated all the cell phones in the house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in al-Maskoubeya police station in West Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 17:30, IOF moved into al-Sa’diya neighborhood, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched Mohammed Khaled Hazina’s, 24, house, confiscated all the cell phones in the house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 21:00, IOF moved into Silwan’s central neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Marwan Othman al-Ghoul’s, 46, house, director of Silwan GYM, and handed him a summons to refer to the Maskoubeya police station on the next day.
  • IOF carried out two incursions into Seida town, northeastern Tulkarem. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 09 November 2020:

  • At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched Mohammed Salah al-Masa’eed’s, 18, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 01:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Dura, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in al-Binouk and Abu Hilal neighborhoods. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Mohammed Yousef Shahin, 29, and Mo’ayad Waleed Amro, 19.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Beit Ta’mir village, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested five civilians including three brothers. The arrestees are: Murad Mohammed Abu Muhaimed, 38, Mohammed Hashem Abu Muhaimed, 42, Salah Jom’a Abu Muhaimed, 25, and his brothers Mo’taz, 29, and Fo’ad, 28,.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Eizariya, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ibrahim Fayez Murar’s house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Qaffin, north of Tulkarem, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Emad Fahmi Zaghloul, 38. It should be noted that IOF confiscated his cell phone, money, and searched his office in al-Ashqar complex area, in Tulkarem.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Hebron, and stationed in Ein Sara area. They raided and searched Nidal Salah Zughaiar’s house and arrested his two sons; Mos’ab, 25, and Salah, 29.
  • At approximately 02:40, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched several stores; no arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Qalandiya refugee camp, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Laith Ammar, 22, and Eyad al-Shahham’s, 23, houses and arrested them.
  • At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Samer Abu Riyala, 16, and Eisa Thafer Abu Riyala’s, 16, family home and arrested them.
  • Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Shawawra village, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched the former prisoner Oday ‘Adi Ibrahim Salim’s, 31, house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services in “Gush Etzion” settlement, south of the city.
  • At approximately 12:30, IOF stationed at Nablus-Jerusalem road, 3-kilometers away from al-Mahkama military checkpoint, established near “Beit El” settlement, north of al-Bireh, north of Ramallah governorate, detained Palestine TV staff while heading to Jiftlik village, north of Jericho.

    “At approximately 12:30, I was heading with five of the Palestine TV staff including the driver Mohammed Mousa, Maryam al-Tarifi, Abdul Karim Abu Sharif, and Hamed Nammoura from Jericho to Ramallah to shoot a TV program in Jiftlik village, north of Jericho governorate. When we arrived at Nablus-Jerusalem road, an Israeli police vehicle intercepted our way and the policemen surrounded, stopped and searched our car, ID cards and recording equipment. They detained us for 30 minutes claiming that they were doing the search procedure, before they let us continue on our way”. – Photojournalist, Mohammed Awawda, 24

  • At approximately 18:00, IOF moved into Batn al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Khaldoun Izzat Salah’s, 47 house and took him to al-Bareed police station in Salah al-Dein street, in the center of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 18:30, IOF stationed at Yitzhar military checkpoint at the entrance of Huwara village, southeast of Nablus, north of the West Bank, arrested the journalist Bushra Jamal al-Tawil, 27, and took her to Hasharon detention center in Israel.

    “In the morning, Bushra left for Jenin with a friend for shopping. At approximately 18:30, she called me and told me that IOF stopped her vehicle at Yitzhar military checkpoint, examined her ID, and detained her. Bushra told me that an Israeli intelligence officer called her and informed her that she was under arrest and to be taken to Hasharon prison.” – Montaha al-Tawil, Bushra’s mother

    It should be noted that the first time IOF arrested al-Tawil was on 06 July 2011, and she was sentenced to 16 months in jail, but was released within five months in the 2011 prisoner exchange deal. She was re-arrested on 02 July 2014 and sentenced to serve the remaining period of her 2011 imprisonment. On 17 May 2015, she was released after spending 10 and a half months in lock-up. In 2017, IOF arrested al-Tawil on administrative arrest, after raiding and searching her home. Again in 2019, she was arrested for her journalistic work, recording sit-ins for ex-Palestinian prisoners. She was released after 8 months in administrative detention.

  • At approximately 20:00, IOF invaded al-‘Isawiya village, northeast the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ma’moun Muhaisen’s house and arrested his sons Mo’men, 19 and Mohammed, 16. IOF took them to unknown destinations.
  • At approximately 21:50, IOF stationed at the entrance of Qusra village, southeast OF Nablus, arrested three civilians from the village, and released them later. The arrestees are: Ahmed Nimir Owda, Hammam Mohammed Mosbah, and Khaled Ibrahim Owda.
  • IOF carried out one incursion into Sebastia, Nablus. No arrests were reported.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020:

  • At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Yabad village, southwestern Jenin; they raided and searched Mohammed A. Hamarshe’s, 30, home and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Silat ad-Dhahr town, southwestern Jenin; they raided and searched Naief H. al-Qady’s, 28, family home and arrested him.
  • At approximately 02:20, IOF moved into Kafr Qallil village, south of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses and withdrew at approximately 04:40. No arrests were reported.
  • At approximately 02:50, IOF moved into Mas-ha village in Salfit; soldiers raided and searched several houses and arrested Belal S. Amer, 22.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-‘Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and stationed in the center of the camp. They raided and searched two houses and arrested two children; Ammar Mohammed Jawabera, 16, and Eyad Hani Ja’ara, 15.
  • At approximately 04:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Dura, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in Kureisa area. They raided and searched Eyad Mohammed Abdullah Rajoub’s (33) house and arrested him.
  • Around the same time, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Halhul, north of Hebron governorate. They raided and searched Mohammed Jehad al-Wawi’s, 25, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 08:00, IOF reinforced with 4 military construction vehicles moved 100 meters into the border fence by Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip, then proceeded towards al-Maghazi. They razed the lands and later redeployed back on the Israeli side.
  • At approximately 16:00, IOF moved into the Youth Center at Shu’fat refugee camp, northeastern occupied East Jerusalem. They searched the center for two hours and seized several documents. Before withdrawing, IOF arrested Mohammed al-Bahri, Director of the Center, and escorted him to a detention center in the city. The Youth Center issued a press statement highlighting that this is the second raid of its kind to the center and arrest of its director without legal cause within the year and it is motivated by the growing impact of the center in the refugee camp.
  • At approximately 18:00, Israeli special forces arrested Ahmed Hasan al-Lawzi, 26, while on duty in a-Lawzi Gas Station in Jerusalem-Ramallah street, near Qalandiya military checkpoint, north of the occupied East Jerusalem.
  • At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into occupied East Jerusalem’s old city, raided and searched several houses and served summonses to three Palestinians: Ahed al-Resheq – Jerusalem Regional Committee member; Raed Hijazi – Jerusalem Mayor; and Naser Qaws – Head of Jerusalem’s The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020:

  • At approximately 01:50, IOF stormed Nablus, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Mo’ath Mohammed al-Ghandour.
  • At approximately 02:00, IOF backed by several military vehicles stormed Fawwar refugee camp, south of Heborn. They raided three houses and arrested Hasan Karam Zaghmout, 27, Ibrahim Ali Abu Wardah, 21, and Jawad Zeyad Hadeeb, 26.
  • At approximately 02:30, IOF backed by several military vehicles stormed Sa’ir village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched Ali Mousa Jaradat’s, 30, house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:00, IOF stormed Fawwar refugee camp, in the center of Ramallah. They raided and searched Hamada Nakhlah’s, 25, family house and arrested him.
  • At approximately 03:30, IOF stormed Um Al-Sharayet neighborhood in the center of al-Birah, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house owned Ayman Abed Abu Sareea, 26, and arrested him.
  • At approximately 04:00, IOF backed by several military vehicles stormed Kobar village, north of Ramallah. They patrolled the streets and stationed in the eastern neighborhood. The soldiers deployed between houses and a number of them raided a 4-story building owned by Zebar family; each floor has 6 apartments. After blowing up the doors of the ground floor, which consists of a store and shops, the soldiers raided Mahmoud Yusuf Zebar’s, 44, apartment and arrested him and his son Shadi, 21. The soldiers also raided the apartment of Mahmoud’s brother Mohammed, 43, and arrested him. The detainees were taken to the apartment of their brother Ra’ed and arrested his wife Nedaa Mohammed Suleiman, 38. IOF further raided a house owned by Wa’el Yusuf al-Taqez, 43, and arrested him. It should be noted that Israeli soldiers raided and searched Ra’ed’s house on 01 November 2020 and arrested his son Marcel. IOF released Nedaa Suleiman on the same evening.
  • At approximately 11:00, IOF stormed al-Tour neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Mahmoud Ahmed Ashayer, 17, and Na’im Ibrahim Ashayer, 13, and arrested them.
  • At approximately 18:00, IOF accompanied with a vehicle full of settlers stormed Kafl Hares village, north of Salfit. They stationed at the village’s square and broadcast Jewish songs in the area.
  • At approximately 19:00, IOF stormed al-Thawri neighborhood, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched a house owned by Redwan Jamal Amro, 34, Head of the Manuscripts Department at Al-Aqsa Mosque. They ruined the house contents and confiscated cell phones, Personal Computers and a number of papers and books and then arrested Amro. IOF’s arrest of Redwan was part of an Israeli campaign that escalated lately against al-Aqsa Mosque officers, especially those affiliated with Islamic Endowments (Awqaf) Department’s and Mosque’s guards. A few days ago, IOF raided and searched Directorate of Forensic Science Services near Bab al-Asbat and arrested head of the Directorate of Forensic Science, deputy director general of al-Aqsa Mosque, Najeh Dawoud Bakirat, 64, and denied him access to the Old City, al-Aqsa Mosque and all roads leading to it for 6 months. IOF are targeting al-Aqsa officers and guards by arresting them, deporting them, in addition to harassment acts to dissuade them from protecting and securing al-Aqsa Mosque.

III. Settlement Expansion and Settler Violence in the West Bank

a. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property

  • On Thursday, 05 November 2020, Israeli authorities notified Yusuf Rayan to evacuate his land in Khalayel Al-Louz village, southeast of Bethlehem, in preparation to its confiscation alleging that the land falls under the sovereignty of the State of Israel. Hasan Brijiyah, Head of the Popular Anti-Settlement Committee in Bethlehem, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that Israeli authorities notified Yusuf Rayan to evacuate his agricultural land (dozens of dunums implanted with olive trees) in Khalayel Al-Louz village, alleging that this land is part of the State of Israel. Brijiyah also said that this practice is an example of the intense restriction policy imposed by IOF on civilians, especially that Khalayel Al-Louz, Khelat Al Quton, and Khelat al-Nahlah areas, are excessively attacked by IOF and settlers for being adjacent to “Efrat” and “Tuqu’ “ settlements which were established on Palestinians’ lands, east of Bethlehem.
  • On Monday morning, 09 November 2020, IOF’s bulldozers demolished an agricultural room owned by Yusuf Abu Hammad under the pretext of non-licensing. The room was located between Jurat ash-Sham’a and Wadi and Nis villages, south of Bethlehem. Abu Hammad told PCHR’s fieldworker that the demolition shocked him, especially that he had built the room many years ago in his own land. Abu Hammad added that IOF alleged that the tin-plated 30-sqm room was built without a license.
  • At approximately 06:00 on Monday, 09 November 2020, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority’s crews and vehicles, secured by dozens of Israeli soldiers, stormed Wadi al-Rababah neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They carried out demolitions in the area. Eyewitnesses stated to PCHR’s fieldworker that the neighborhood’s residents confronted IOF’s vehicles in order to stop the demolition. Israeli soldiers fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the residents and attempted to disperse them. However, the residents withstood and forced the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority’s crews and vehicles to withdraw from the neighborhood.
    Before their withdrawal, IOF arrested Mahmoud Samrin, 47. The Israeli Municipality and the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority have intensified bulldozing and demolishing of Palestinians’ lands in Wadi al-Rababah neighborhood in Silwan village, for the intended purpose of establishing new settlements. IOF use force during these operations, despite of the previous judicial decision to stop them. Wadi al-Rababah is subjected to recurrent attacks by Israeli settlers in order to seize control of it under the pretext of being absentee-owned lands. Wadi al-Rababah neighborhood is located in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, it was built on 350 dunams implanted with fruit and olive trees that are property of Silwan village residents. The neighborhood that has about 100 houses and a mosque is threatened with evacuation and confiscation of more than 100 dunams of these lands to establish the so-called ““National Park” project. Wadi al-Rababh area has a strategic importance as it is only 400 meters away from al-Aqsa Mosque and it is also located between al-Bustan neighborhood and the western side of occupied Jerusalem. Therefore, this area connects the western and eastern parts of the city. Furthermore, this area contains Canaanite, Roman and Islamic remains.
  • At approximately 08:00 on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, IOF backed by several military vehicles and accompanied with Civil Administration vehicle and a bulldozer stormed Hebron’s northern neighborhood, adjacent to the bypass road. They demolished a 100 sqm, tin-plated aluminum workshop. The workshop is owned by Loai Abdul Rahim Ahmed al-Shani, and it was built one year ago. Israeli authorities handed the Military decision No. (96/ 1797) to al-Shani on Wednesday, 14 November 2020.
    The military decision No. (1797) issued in 2018, allows the Civil Administration officer to issue a decision to demolish of remove any building where construction was not completed within 6 months or it was inhabited by it residents for less than 30 days from the date of the inspector’s arrival to the site. This kind of notices deprive civilians their right to defend their houses or facilities. The Israeli Supreme Court also refuse the file an appeal to freeze or cancel these notices. Civilians further are denied of applying a license for their targeted houses due to the short legal period allowed by the military order.
  • On Tuesday, 10 November 2020, IOF demolished several commercial facilities in ‘Anata village, northeast of occupied east Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of building without a license. ‘Anata village Municipality stated that Israeli Civil Administration bulldozers stormed the village from its southern entrance and demolished a car wash, a container, and a barrack owned by Ammar al-Salaimeh under the pretext of building without a license. The car was adjacent to “Pisgat Ze’ev” settlement established on Palestinian lands, north of ‘Anata village. The municipality emphasized that the car wash, the container, and the barrack were built on an area of 150sqm 5 months ago. IOF also leveled the land where the facilities were built before they withdrew from the village.
  • At approximately 09:00 on Wednesday, 11 November 2020, IOF backed by 2 military vehicles and accompanied with Civil Administration vehicle stormed Tawana village, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The soldiers deployed between houses while the Civil Administration officer handed 5 demolition notices to three civilians under the pretext of building without a license.

These notices were as follows:

Fadel Mohammed Ibrahim al-Amour – received a demolition order against his 30 square meter (sqm) agricultural room made of bricks and tin plates;

Ashraf Mahmoud al-Amour – received stop work orders against his 65 sqm agricultural room made of bricks and tin plates, and his 100 sqm water well made of bricks and tin plates;

Mohammed Issa Rab’i – received a demolition order against his 80sqm agricultural residence, and 90sqm water well made of bricks and tin plates.

  • Israeli authorities handed civilians notices in the form of summonses alleging that the facility’s owner, which has been served a previous notice, did not submit any legal documents before the Israeli competent authorities to settle his case.
  • At approximately 16:00 on Wednesday, 11 November 2020, Israeli municipality crews demolished Odai Rabaiya’s house in Sur Baher village, south of occupied East Jerusalem under the pretext of building without license. IOF also arrested Mohammed and Ahmed Robaiya after they heavily beat them. Rabaiya stated to PCHR’s fieldworker that he was shocked when IOF raided his house. The municipality crews emptied its contents and closed the whole area and then demolished the house. Rabaiya emphasized that he and his family of 5, including 4 children, have been living in the house since 2016. The Israeli Municipality issued a decision in 2017 to demolish the house. He managed to delay the decision several times and the municipality imposed a construction fine of NIS 55,000 on him, that he is still paying to this date. Rabaiya added that last July, the Israeli court gave him 21 days before applying the demolition, but he managed to delay it until early this month through his engineer and lawyer. The Israeli municipality rejected to freeze or delay the demolition decision and informed him that he must proceed with self-demolishing his house without defining a time limit.

b. Israeli Settlers’ Attacks

  • At approximately 13:10, Monday, 10 November 2020, a group of Israeli settlers detained Tareq Abu Ghunaim in his land in al-Rajman area, adjacent to Beit Dajan village, east of Nablus. The settlers searched his cell phone, questioned him, and released him later.