The Jerusalem Detainees’ Parents Committee has reported, Sunday, that as the Palestinians mark the Prisoners Day on April 17, at least 509 Jerusalemite Palestinians are imprisoned by Israel, among them are 10 women, and 18 children.

|Report: “Israeli Army Kidnapped And Imprisoned 1.000.000 Palestinians Since 1967”|

The committee provided the following information regarding Jerusalemite political prisoners, held by Israel.

  • 10 children under the age of 14.
  • 118 children, above the age of 14, and below the age of 18.
  • 15 women – three of them are married, and five underage girls.
  • 8 adult men who were taken prisoner more than 20 years ago.
  • 53 adult men who have been sentenced to 25 years, or hundreds of years.
  • Detainee Wael Qassem, was sentenced to 35 life terms and additional 50 years.
  • The longest serving detainee, Samir Abu Ni’ma, was taken prisoner on October 20, 1986.
  • Mohammad Abu Teir, 66, has been imprisoned for 33 years.
  • Oldest detained women, Alia Abbassi, 50, from Silwan.
  • Youngest detainee, Mohammad Houshiyya, 12 years old.
  • Youngest female detainee, Manar Shweiki, 15.
  • 23 Palestinians, including four children, held under Administrative Detention without charges.
  • 7 detainees, rearrested after being released under Shalit prisoner swap agreement, life terms reinstated.
  • 26 Palestinians who were shot and injured priomanarshr, or during, their abduction.

The committee said that, since September 15, 2015, the Israeli army and police in Jerusalem, have kidnapped 1705 Palestinians from the city;

  1. 87 women.
  2. 22 underage girls.
  3. 595 underage boys.
  4. 76 under the age of 14.
  5. 35 seniors – kidnapped in the last few days.
  6. 890 young men.

|Report: “1700 Ailing Palestinian Detainees, Including 25 Cancer Patients, Imprisoned By Israel” |

The Detainees’ Committee also said that a large number of the kidnapped Palestinians were released after facing harsh interrogations, largely without legal representation, and most are still facing charges, while others were placed under house arrest, and some were ordered not to enter the Old City or the Al-Aqsa mosque.