Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, on Sunday, that US President Donald Trump will publish the “Deal of the Century” plan this week.

During his weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu indicated that he will fly to the United States today, to meet President Trump tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, to discuss the publication of the deal, describing Trump as “the true friend of Israel.”

Netanyahu reiterated his position that this “historic opportunity” comes once in history and should not be missed, adding that “we are in the midst of very exciting events, and they must be seized.”

Meanwhile, he refused to answer a question if he agreed to establish a Palestinian state according to what the plan stipulated, as the seventh Hebrew channel reported.

Israeli Channel 12 in a recent report, said that the announcement of the so-called “peace plan,” at this particular time, is in the interest of both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump and will not achieve peace for the Palestinian side.

The channel added that the Israeli side got acquainted with the most prominent terms and points of the American deal before the Israeli elections, in April 2019, but what is newly apparent is that it may cause a split between Netanyahu and his right-wing partners, on the one hand, and it may cause the joining of Benny Gantz, the leader of Blue-White party to the Israeli unity government on the other hand.

The report emphasized that, “from the first moment, President Trump seemed to be encouraged by the victory of Netanyahu, in the Israeli elections, so that David Friedman, the American ambassador in Tel Aviv, did not hesitate to say that, between the two leaders, Netanyahu and Trump, there is an ideological partnership.”

Also, according to the report, the deal would cancel the Green Line, annex West Bank settlements and the Jordan Valley, and declare to adhere to Jerusalem as a whole, and all of this would happen at the height of a fierce Israeli election campaign.

In addition, it said that “Netanyahu was briefed on Trump’s deal, and he knew that annexation of the valley is contained in its details, while the Americans know very well that announcing the deal of the century will be one of Trump’s cards in his upcoming election campaign, to obtain the support of evangelical Christians in favor of granting Trump a second presidential term in the White House.”

Last Thursday, the White House announced that Trump would host Netanyahu and leader of the “Blue and White” coalition, Benny Gantz, on Tuesday.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly declared, over the past two years, Palestinian rejection of the deal, because it takes Jerusalem, refugees and borders from the negotiating table.

(photo: Days of Palestine)