AXA invests hundreds of millions of dollars in fossil fuels, insures polluting businesses, and invests $91 million in Israel’s weapons and its expanding settlements, which destroy the environment.

The 4th global Climate Strike today falls on the same day as the UN Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. This coincidence reflects an important reality – Palestine is also a climate justice issue.

Today, groups worldwide are joining mobilisations challenging the climate crisis, demanding an end to fossil fuel use and climate justice for all. Many are also demanding an end to Israel’s climate apartheid.

Both the climate crisis and Israeli apartheid are fueled by governments and corporations that put profit before people and planet. The French insurance giant AXA is one example.

Tell AXA: Divest from Israel’s colonial regime and from fossil fuels destroying the planet

Though AXA has just pledged new commitments and policies on coal, it still invests hundreds of millions of dollars in fossil fuels and insures polluting businesses. AXA claims to respect human rights but invests $91 million in Israel’s largest private arms company, Elbit Systems, and in five Israeli banks which finance Israel’s illegal settlements. Israel’s weapons and its expanding settlements destroy the environment.

Indigenous Palestinians, living under Israeli occupation and apartheid, have no control over our land or natural resources. Israel’s illegal settlements consume six times more water than Palestinians, and since 1967, Israel has uprooted 800,000 olive trees.

Remind AXA: We won’t stop mobilising until it fully divests from Israeli apartheid and fossil fuels

Israeli apartheid is not green. 97.7% of Israel’s electricity comes from fossil fuels. Warfare, a pillar of Israel’s economy, is one of the world’s most polluting industries.

The struggles against racism and militarization, and for climate, economic and social justice are profoundly interconnected. Join mobilisations on November 29th to call for respect of Palestinian rights and an end to fossil fuel use.