Head of the Census Department of the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees, Abdul-Nasser Ferwana, stated that the Israeli army has kidnapped 2478 Palestinians in the period between January 1 and June 30, of this year.He stated that, after the three Israeli settlers went missing, on June 12, the Israeli army kidnapped nearly 600 Palestinians.

Ferwana added that, among the 2478 Palestinians kidnapped this year, the soldiers have kidnapped 412 children, and 39 women.

He stated that the number of arrests since the beginning of this year is more than a %27 increase compared to the same period of last year.

The former political prisoner further stated that the vast majority of arrests carried out by the army have nothing to do with the Israeli claims of security, but are only merely carried out as punishment, and as acts of revenge, and collective punishment against the entire Palestinian population.

He added that Israel’s ongoing crimes must be exposed to the international community, and must be ended, especially since the army deliberately targets civilians, including children, in direct violation of International Law.