The Municipality of Gaza says that the Israel’s targeting of its facilities and staff is a willful crime. Gaza hospitals are straining under the pressure inflicted by Israel’s current string of assaults on the Strip, and are in dire need of assistance and supplies.According to Al ray, in a press conference held Sunday, a spokesman of the municipality said:

‘The municipality is working hard to ensure the access of water to homes, maintain the streets clean, help the ambulance crews, and remove the ruins of the destroyed buildings.’

The wilful attacks on water sources such as groundwater wells in the North governorate and the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City, as well as the main waste water treatment facility west of Gaza City constitutes a collective punishment, the statement read, adding:

‘The [Israeli] ooccupation is seeking to target all sources of life by bombing the headquarters of the municipality, ‘Al-Sadaqa Garden’, and water collection pools, and destroying over 190 houses completely, and hundreds partially.’

The municipality holds the occupation fully responsible for the disruption of its work in Gaza, Al Ray further reports.

It is demanding that the international community and human rights organizations rein in the aggression, and carry out their duties towards the municipalities of Gaza.

It confirms that all municipal councils through the Gaza Strip will continue to serve the community and pay tribute to the employees, there, who are still on the job.

Rafah crossing opened for one day, this morning, to allow the exit for treatment of those injured over the past three days who cannot be treated in Gaza, but this is not enough, according to Hamas spokesperson Fawzy Barhoum.

‘We need drugs, materials, medical assistance, fuel – we need everything,’ he said .

The Middle East Monitor reports that the spokesman said, today, that the only way this ‘one-sided war’ will end is when Israel stops bombing Gaza:

‘We are being attacked from the sea, from the air, from the land – there is massive destruction, and we have the right to defend our people from these attacks. There will be no ceasefire until the occupation stops its shelling of Gaza… We have sustained high numbers of casualties – over 100 civilians dead, 150 homes destroyed sometimes with families still inside them, we are the victims. We are defending our civilians from a massacre,’ said Barhoum, early this afternoon, from outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

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