The Palestine News Network reported on Monday that seven Egyptian
detainees imprisoned by Israel in the Negev Detention Camp continued
their hunger strike for the thirteenth day in protest of the bad living
condition and the continuation of their arrest without trial.

Some of the striking detainees fainted and were not examined by any physician and were not moved to the clinic in the detention camp.

Sources withing the detention facility stated that the detainees are persistent to continue their strike until a fair solution is found, and demanded the Egyptian Ambassador in Israel to visit and listen to them. The detainees said that the ambassador never visited them in spite of their repeated appeals.

There are thirteenth Egyptian detainees imprisoned in Israel since last year after the attempted to infiltrate into Israel searching for work, some of them just lost their way and found them self near the borders when they were taken prisoner. 

Israeli Prison Authorities (IPS) said that the detainees will not be sent to court and claimed that they will be sent back home if the Egyptian government agrees to receive them.

According to the IPS, Egypt is still rejecting to receive the detained Egyptian residents. The detainees threatened to continue their strike until a solution to their case is found.

The seven striking detainees are identified as Hameed Salmi, Mohammad Haywat, Mahmoud Haywat, Jamil Sawarka, Ibrahim Tarabeen, Mohammad Sha'ban, and Ibrahim Sawarka.