In a move the signals an increasing support for the pullout foes, over 100 Americans led by a New York lawmaker finished on Tuesday their second day of the three-day mission in solidarity with the settlers in Gaza Strip.

The group toured Neveh Dekalim settlement in the Gush Katif bloc slated to be evacuated together with the rest of the settlements in the Palestinian strip by mid-August.

The visit is meant to be in solidarity with the settlers who, according to the international law, are illegally living in an occupied land.
The group includes eight Baptist ministers and Christian New York State Sen. John Sampson (D-Brooklyn), arrived in Israel from New York Monday to live and work with settlers of Gush Katif, the largest block of Jewish settlements slated for evacuation under the disengagement plan.  There are no Moslems among the group.
However, the leader of the group said this is an “interfaith mission” in solidarity with Gush Katif settlers.
‘It’s an amazing experience bringing people of all faiths to Gush Katif, and standing with the residents here who have done nothing wrong and are being forced from their homes,’ the group leader, Dov Hikind said.
Couple of months ago, Hikind led a mission of 40 Americans on a similar tour and vowed to bring hundreds more throughout the summer.