Israeli authorities, on Wednesday, ordered 15 Palestinian families to evacuate their homes in the northern Jordan Valley, paving the way for projected military maneuvers in the area.

Local anti-settlement activist Motaz Bisharat told the Palestine News Net Work (PNN) that the Israeli Civil Administration served evacuation notifications to 15 Palestinian families, in preparation for army drills.

It was claimed that the evacuation is merely “provisional”.

Quoting a PIC news correspondent, a Palestinian native inhabitant of the Jordan Valley said: “Where should our children and wives seek shelter now? This has always been the case. We’ll be wandering in streets until military maneuvers are over.”

How dare Israelis force us out of our own and only homes just to carry out drills and prop up military grip around our neck? It’s like stealing our loafs of bread and forcing us to pay the price,” said an elderly woman.

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