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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday, March 01st, 2010.

One killed and three injured due to Israeli shelling targeting the Gaza Strip, while troops shoot a child in the West Bank. These stories, and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

The News Cast

One Palestinian fighter was killed and three civilians were injured, on Monday, due to separate shelling attacks targeting the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia. 22 year-old Mohamed Ghboun was killed by an Israeli tank shell targeting fighters at the borders close to the Beit Lahia town. The Salah ed-Deen Brigade, announced that Ghboun is one of their fighters and he was part of a monitoring mission.

Later in the day Israeli tanks fired shells at a group of residents gathered in Beit Lahia. Three were injured, one critically, medical source reported. Elsewhere a Palestinian child sustained wounds Monday after she was ran over by an Israeli military jeep near a military checkpoint at the northeast of West Bank area. 6-year-old Dallal Abu Sa’dda, was at the main road near her village Beit Dajan when Israeli troops hit with their jeep, witnesses said.

A Palestinian Ambulance crew rushed to the scene, yet Israeli troops who were there did not allow them to evacuate the child, and kept her in the street until a military ambulance arrived and took the child away to an Israeli hospital, witnesses added. In another incident, four Palestinian civilians were detained by Israeli troops on Monday during military invasions targeting a number of West Bank communities.

Israeli municipality workers and troops started, on Monday midday, preparation steps to takeover a land owned by a Palestinian man in East Jerusalem. Witnesses said the municipality workers arrived at the land located in the East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and took photos and measurements. The municipality announced last month that it is planning to take over the land in question to construct a parking lot for settlers living nearby. The settlers took over a house in the Palestinian dominated neighborhood last year.

The land nearby the new settlement was used by residents and owners of the house and their supporters to erect the protest tent. Israeli police removed the protest tent a number of times, but was rebuilt by the protestors.


Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem, you have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center, This report has been brought to you, by Ghassan Bannoura.