In the early hours of Sunday morning, Israeli extremists, armed with sticks and sharp metal tools, attacked a young Palestinian man from Jerusalem whilst he worked in Jaffa street, West Jerusalem.The victim, Majdi Abu Ghazala, aged 21, said that the attack took place at 4 am outside the restaurant where works at Jaffa Street. A group of Israeli extremists pointed at him from somewhere nearby but he didn’t pay attention and continued to do his job.

The settlers then closed in on him and surrounded him holding knives, metal instruments, sticks and stones. The group was made up of seven Kippa wearing men, and one woman made.

He added that as they encircled him, they said, ‘Kill him…Kill him’, and started beating him up with the sticks. But miraculously he escaped and ran into the restaurant. One of the people in charge called the police because he’d seen the incident. Three of them stayed outside, meters away from the restaurant.

He also said that the police came to the place and ran a quick investigation, asking him questions. Abu Ghazala pointed to the culprits who were standing nearby, and the police simply checked their ID cards and searched one of them, before sending them away.

Abu Ghazala added, ‘We endure provocations from Israeli extremists on a daily basis. They call us names and swear at us using bad language and racist remarks. The failure to take restraining measures against them helps them do this.”

It should be pointed out that the number of attacks on Jerusalemites during their work or while passing by in the streets of West Jerusalem is increasing during the last couple of years.

Human Rights centers have recorded many incidents where Jerusalemites where attacked; including people who actually died as a result. Hussam Ruweidi was severely injured and could not get out of bed for a while, and many others have suffered from broken bones and various wounds- the attacks were registered as committed by an ‘unknown’ due to lack of evidence.
