Fuad al-Khoffash, head of the Ahrar Center for Detainees’ Studies, stated that Palestinian detainee, Zuheir Lubbada, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, immediately after an Israeli judge ordered his release.Lubbada is suffering from liver scleroses in addition to a kidney disease; he was immediately admitted after Israel released him when his attorney managed to convince an Israeli judge to release him due to the seriousness of his health condition.

Lubbada was held under Israel’s illegal Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial.

There are hundreds of ailing Palestinians who are still held by Israel, deprived from their right to specialized and adequate medical care.

Marking Palestinian Prisoners Day on April 17, the Palestinian Central Census Bureau and the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees issued a joint release revealing that 201 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons since 1967 due to torture, medical negligence, and by use of live ammunition. More than a third of this number has died in Israeli prisons since late 2000; the beginning of the second intifada.

527 of the detainees held by Israel were sentenced to a minimum of one life-term, and 822 detainees are currently awaiting trial.

Currently, Israel is holding captive nearly 4,700 detainees in 17 prisons, detention and interrogation centers. This includes 6 women, 185 children and 27 elected legislators. The current number of Administrative Detainees is approximately 320.