The Husam Institution For Detainees and Ex-Detainees reported that the detainees’ committee that led the most recent hunger-strike in Israeli detention camps, held on Friday a meeting with the Israeli Prison Administration to discuss the latest violations, including the transfer of 395 Gaza Strip detainees imprisoned in Nafha, to different detention centers.The committee also demanded the administration to end the solitary confinement of detainee Dirar and Seesy, and all detainees who are still in solitary confinement in direct violation to the latest agreement that led to ending the open-ended hunger strike held by the detainees, the Quds Net News Agency reported.
The committee stated that the decision to transfer Gaza Strip detainees from Nafha is a direct violation of the agreement that was reached on May 14, especially the section regarding Gaza Strip detainees, their visitation rights, and ending Israel’s policies that are preventing dozens of families in the West bank from visiting their detained loved one under the guise of “a secret security file” that has no legal grounds.
On Saturday, undercover soldiers of the Matzada and Nachshon brigades broke into Palestinian detainees’ rooms in section 14 of the Ofer Israeli Prison and searched them; the soldiers also used military dogs while searching the rooms.
As part of the agreement with the detainees, the Prison Administration vowed to halt its violations, end solidarity confinement policies, provide adequate medical care to ailing detainees, allow visitations to Gaza Strip detainees, reinstate education, and several other issues; yet, this latest violation comes to shatter this agreement an issue that will likely push the detainees to renew their open-ended hunger-strike.