[Monday December 23, 2013] Different Palestinian factions in occupied Palestine congratulated Samer Al-Eesawy, who was released from an Israeli detention facility on Monday, after conducting a 9-month hunger strike.The factions said that Al-Eesawy is a legendary symbol representing the steadfast solidarity in the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian people, especially the detainees held by Israel under tough conditions and continuing violations.

Al-Eesawy went on hunger strike after Israel rearrested him, shortly after his release in the Prisoner Swap deal implemented in 2011.

The Media Department of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) congratulated Al-Eesawy for his release, said that his victory is historic, and represents the ongoing struggle of the detainees facing racist Israeli policies.

In an interview with the Palestinian TV in Jericho, Al-Eesawy said that his personal victory also represents a victory for the Palestinian people and their international supporters, adding that he insisted, during his extended hunger strike, to be released and sent back home to Jerusalem, and managed to force Israel to drop its demand to exile him from his city.

The interview started with his mother, standing next to her son, amidst dozens of Palestinians;

His mother expressed her joy and happiness for the release of her son, and asked the mothers of all detainees held by Israel to be patient, and to trust that, one day, every detainee will be released.

“All detainees are our sons, they struggle and spend years of their lives behind bars”, his mother said, “They are struggling for our freedom and the freedom of our beloved country”.

“Just be patient, they will all be free, I suffered so much fearing for my son…”she said,“ Thank God, thank God”.

Samer said that the detainees, and all detainees in Israeli prisons, regardless of their political affiliation, stand behind the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees and the Palestinian Prisoners Society, for their relentless struggle in pursuing the rights of all detainees and their release.

Al-Eesawy further stated that the detainees, especially those held since before the First Oslo Agreement of 1993, must be released.

He also said that there is an increasing number of ailing detainees, especially those suffering with cancer and not receiving crucial and specialized medical attention.

“Israel practically decided to execute those detainees by not granting them their right to medical attention. That is why we have more and more detainees dying in prison”, he said.

“There are so many detainees who are dying; this year alone four detainees died in Israeli prisons, we lost Ashraf Abu Threi’, who died amongst his family, as he was only released after cancer spread all over his body; also Maisara Abu Hamdiyya, Hasan Toraby — both died of cancer in prison; and Arafat Jaradat, who was tortured to death”.

“There are so many detainees suffering with paralyses and other issues, especially due to extreme torture during interrogation,” he added. “When I was in Shatta prison, I saw 50 sick detainees who require specialized medical attention…”