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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday March 10, 2014.

Israeli soldiers kill two Palestinian men, one near the borders with Jordan and one near Ramalalh.

Meanwhile Israeli settlers destroy farm lands near Jerusalem. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

On Monday evening, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian young man near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

Israeli forces invaded the village of Bieteen, near Ramallah, searched homes and fired live rounds at residents’ homes. Sagie Darwish, 20, was hit with a live round in his head. Medical sources announced that Darwish died instantly and was moved to Ramallah city hospital.

Earlier on Monday morning, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man, at the Allenby Bridge crossing with Jordan, on Monday, Israel’s army and witnesses said.

An Israeli army spokeswoman claimed that the man attempted to seize the weapon of an Israeli soldier at the Allenby Bridge crossing with Jordan. The victim was identified as Raed Alaa Addin Zieter, 38, from Nablus.

A Jordanian security official told AFP that Zeiter worked as a judge in Amman and had left for the West Bank, early on Monday. The Palestinian Authority strongly condemned the incident and demanded an international investigation into the circumstances of Zeiter’s death.

In other news a Tel Aviv court, on Monday, sentenced a Palestinian-Israeli with a 25-year prison term over the 2012 bombing of a bus during a major Israeli campaign in Gaza.

A resident of Taibe in central Israel, Mohammed Mafarja boarded the Tel Aviv bus on Nov. 21, 2012, and placed a bomb inside before getting off, according to the District Court.

Shortly afterwards, it was triggered remotely by a cellphone being used by his accomplice, Ahmed Moussa, a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank. Moussa’s trial is ongoing. The explosion wounded 24 people.

Also on Monday Israeli soldiers invaded Palestinian farmlands in the al-Khader town, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and uprooted them. Moreover Israeli settlers attacked, on Monday, private Palestinian farmland in An-Nabi Samuil, to the northwest of Jerusalem.

Israeli settlers from Har Shmuel settlement cut the fence surrounding the farmland and opened a new road through it, chopping down many trees and saplings, according to the farmland owner.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Monday March 10, 2014 news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website Today’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and me Ghassan Bannoura.