Illegal Israeli colonialist settlers attacked and injured, Wednesday, villagers and international solidarity activists, while picking olive trees in Palestinian orchards in Burin village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

The colonists attacked the locals, and the solidarity activists, in Palestinian olive orchards in the southeastern area of Burin.

Media sources in Nablus said the Israeli assailants injured several Palestinians, in addition to four international activists, who suffered cuts and bruises, and one Israeli peace activist, who suffered fractures.

They added that the colonists also set trees ablaze before leaving the area.

Also Wednesday, several colonists attacked many Palestinians, picking their olive trees in their orchards, in the al-Jab’a village, south of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Two days ago, the colonists attacked an elderly man from the same family, while he was working on his land.

Such attacks are frequent, and include cutting and uprooting trees, in addition to assaulting the farmers; they escalate during the olive harvest season.