Several extremist Israeli colonists infiltrated, on Monday at dawn, into Huwwara town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and wrote racist graffiti on the walls of a Palestinian home.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in northern West Bank, said the Israeli assailants wrote graffiti on the walls of one home.

Daghlas added that the home is owned by Sabri Najib Nassar and is located near the junction leading to Nablus-Qalqilia roads.

Daghlas stated that the colonists have carried out more than 62 attacks in Nablus governorate in the last two weeks.

In related news, several colonists invaded the Kifl Hares town, north of the central West Bank city of Salfit, and stormed the area of historic Islamic shrines, while Israeli soldiers closed all surrounding roads, to prevent the Palestinians from entering it.

On Friday evening, the colonists attacked a family and several international solidarity activists, on a Palestinian olive orchard in Kafr ed-Deek town, west of Salfit.

On Saturday, Israeli colonists chopped 25 olive trees belonging to Palestinian farmers in the village of Nahhalin, east of Bethlehem in the West Bank.

On Wednesday, illegal colonists attack from Mabo Dothan outpost, which was built on Palestinian lands in Ya’bad town, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, attacked many Palestinians picking olive trees in their orchards.

Several days ago, the colonists also invaded Palestinian orchards in Qaryout village, south Nablus, in northern West Bank, and forced the residents out, for the fourth consecutive day.

In addition, a group of colonists attacked Palestinian orchards near Salfit, before steeling ladders, olive picking equipment, and mattresses.

The attacks come while groups of illegal Israeli colonialist settlers continue to invade Palestinian orchards, cut and burn trees in addition to assaulting the villagers, in several parts of the occupied West Bank. These assaults and violations always escalate during the olive harvest season, and also targeted the residents’ homes, property and lands.