Israeli forces shot, on Thursday, a Palestinian young man in the village of Qusra, southeast of Nablus, and abducted five citizens in the city of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that occupation forces stormed the town of Qusra, on Thursday evening, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths.

Sources said that soldiers opened fire with live ammunition towards citizens, shooting a young man in the leg with a live round.

Meanwhile, at dawn Thursday, several military jeeps stormed several neighborhoods of the city, before soldiers invaded and ransacked many citizens’ homes.

Media sources said that occupation forces assaulted a woman and a young man while invading a citizens’ home in the city, and abducted Samer Mohammed Khalil Shadouh.

Sources added that the army abducted the citizens, Tamer Al-Saber, Izz Al-Din Khaled Al-Sousah, Majdi Al-Qutb, and Taha Al-Titi.


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