Israeli forces shot and seriously injured, on Thursday evening, a Palestinian young man and abducted nine others in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron.

Media sources said that occupation forces opened fire with live rounds at a 21-year-old young man, while he was riding a bicycle in the city; he was transported to the Mohammed Ali Al-Muhtaseb Governmental Hospital in Hebron.

Sources added that the young man sustained a serious gunshot wound to the back, and the Ministry of Health confirmed the injury and deemed the young man in stable condition.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces abducted, on Thursday morning, nine Palestinian citizens several areas in the Hebron Governorate.

Media sources said that occupation soldiers invaded the city of Hebron and stormed several citizens’ homes in various neighborhoods, and abducted slam Karameh and Ahmad Mansour Al-Qawasmi.

In the town of Beit Kahil, northwest of Hebron, soldiers abducted Ahmad Al-Asafreh, Mohammad Hamza Al-Asafreh, Akif Ismail Al-Asafreh, Mohammad Hassan Brioush, and Younis Ismail Al-Zahour, after storming and searching their homes.

In the town of Doura, southwest of Hebron, Israeli forces abducted the young men, Musa Muath Al-Haroub and Adam Taha Abu Sharar.

In related news, Israeli forces, on Wednesday evening, attacked a peaceful march in the Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, sparking protests.

Media sources said that occupation forces suppressed a march against the occupation’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

Sources added that soldiers fired live rounds and tear gas canisters at citizens, causing dozens to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation; they were treated in the field.


Army Shoots One, Injures a Child, Abducts A Child, in Qalqilia

Soldiers Shoot Two, Abduct One, Near Bethlehem

Israeli Forces Shoot Three Palestinians, Injure Another, Near Jenin