Prisoner in hospital (archive image)

Karim Ajwa, a lawyer with the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, has reported, Thursday, that a wounded Palestinian detainee was transferred from Soroka Israeli Medical Center to the infamous Ramla prison clinic.

The Commission stated that the Israeli Prison Authority alleged that the health condition of Ali Amro has improved, and therefore, he was moved to Ramla Prison clinic.

Ajwa added that the Israeli military court in Ofer prison, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, held a hearing and decided to remand the detainee for eight additional days, as the army still wants to interrogate him.

It is worth mentioning that Ali Amro was shot by the soldiers near the al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and was moved to Soroka where he underwent a surgery.

Also on Thursday, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that a detained Palestinian child, Mohammad Monir Miqbil, 16, who was repeatedly assaulted by the soldiers when they abducted him on November 29th, underwent surgery in Hadassah Israeli medical center.

On Wednesday, a Palestinian child detainee, identified as Hani Irmailat, 17, from Jenin refugee camp, in northern West Bank, was assaulted by Israeli soldiers when he asked to go to the prison clinic because he was feeling sick.