An Israeli judge in beer Sheva central court warned that if the DA does not reveal the accusations against Neria Ofen, an extreme right wing activist placed under administrative detention, he will.

More than 1,200 Palestinians are placed under administrative detention. All Israeli judges, without even one exception, accepted Israeli security secret files as the bases to approve or extend detainees imprisonment.

Neither Palestinian detainees nor their lawyers were allowed to look into alleged Israeli security accusations.

Israeli media sources have reported that Ofen was placed under administrative detention over suspicions of involvement in ‘terror’ activities.

There is one justice for Jews and another for Palestinians. Jewish administrative detainees have the right to know accusations and evidences brought against them, Palestinian detainees are not entitled to the same right. 

I believe the law to justify the judge move would state: ‘only Jewish administrative detainees have the right to look into accusations and evidences brought against them.’