The newly appointed Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin expressed his fears Tuesday over terror attacks conducted by Jews especially in light of the escalating threats against Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Diskin told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the threats of attacking the mosque are serious and there are possibilities that terrorist Jewish groups fight attempt to assassinate Israeli political leaders.

“The Israeli society will not be able to withstand another assassination or attack against a prime minister,  if a leader or a political figure is harmed by Jews, it will be like a huge explosion which will hurt Israel strategically”, Diskin added.

Meanwhile, Member of Knesset, Effie Eitam (Religious Zionism) told Diskin on Monday that Sharon is utilizing the Shin Bet for political manipulations by publishing reports of possible terrorist attacks against the mosque.


During the committee meeting Knesset Member Effie Eitam (Religious Zionism) said that Diskin Monday’s reports on Al-Aqsa mosque ‘prove the prime minister would utilize the Shin Bet for political manipulations.’

Several right wing Mks said that these reports are “over exaggerated”.

On the Palestinian track, Diskin said that Israel fears that it may not be able to target Hamas leaders if they become political leaders of the P.A after the Palestinian elections.

Diskin said that the Shin Bet is facing two main problems; the strengthening of resistance organizations, and the fear that Israel may not be able to target Hamas ‘terrorists’ if they become political leaders after the Palestinian elections, according to Diskin.

 ‘Abbas’s leadership is weak,’ he added,” The Palestinian society has disintegrated as a result of Arafat’s policy regarding the war on terror’, Diskin added.