Arab member of Knesset, Talab Al Sane', head of the United Arab Bloc at the Israeli Knesset, demanded on Monday that the Israeli government's legal counselor, Mini Mazouz, initiate a probe into the statements and religious ruling of Rabbi Leor in which he forbade renting houses to Arabs or employing them.Al Sane' added that such statements are unconstitutional and illegal, and demanded that the government act against the ongoing calls of incitement against the Arab residents in Israel.
He added that “this racist phenomenon should be uprooted before it's too late”, and added that it is a disgrace that a Rabbi would utter such statements and issue a racist Halakha “religious decree”.
Al Sane' said that Jews suffered from racism and antisemitism, therefore they should counter such statements.
Furthermore, Al Sane' stated that he was not surprised by the results of a recent poll in Israel which showed “clear hatred and racism against the Arab ministry in Israel”.