A number of Palestinian civilians were shot and injured, Saturday, including four who were shot with rubber-coated steal rounds, when Israeli troops suppressed the weekly anti-settlement demonstration in the northern occupied West Bank village of Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia city.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated steal bullets and tear-gas canisters at the protesters, striking four activists who were transferred to hospital.

Dozens more suffered the toxic effects of tear-gas inhalation.

The Palestinian villagers of Kufur Qaddoum and surrounding area have held demonstrations every Friday and Saturday since 2003, to demand that Israeli authorities reopen the road it closed to Palestinians in order to serve the illegal Israeli settlers.

On Friday, a number of protestors were injured by Israeli fired rubber-coated steel rounds and tear-gas canisters.