On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted three Palestinians after assaulting and wounding one of them near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank’s central part.

Media sources said several military jeeps invaded Al-Biereh city, stormed and searched homes in the Al-Baloa neighborhood, and abducted a Palestinian, Osama Gharib Al-Jamzawi, 45, leading to protests.

They added that the soldiers also invaded the Al-Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah, searched homes, and abducted Midhat Saleh Abu Sharifa, 30.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers assaulted and injured Abu Sharifa in his home while taking him to one of their military vehicles.

They added that a large military force also invaded the market area in the center of the refugee camp and fired many bombs and concussion grenades at the surrounding homes and streets.

In addition, the soldiers invaded Ras Karkar village, west of Ramallah, and abducted Nasser Kamil Nasser, 44, after searching his home and several other homes.

Furthermore, protests occurred when the soldiers invaded Deir Jarir town, in addition to Burqa and Silwad, east of Ramallah, and the At-Tira neighborhood in Ramallah.

On Sunday night, the soldiers invaded Odala town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs at residents protesting the invasion.

Also Sunday, an Israeli drone strike killed Laith Marwan Shawahna, 18, and injured another, in the town of Silat al-Harithiya, northwest of Jenin in the northern West Bank, bringing the number of slain Palestinians since the army began a large-scale offensive in the West Bank on August 27, to 30,  including four children, bringing the death toll in the West Bank since October 7, 2023, to 681.

In the Gaza Strip, the army continued the genocide across the coastal enclave, killing at least 40,738 citizens and wounding more than 94,154 others, in an incomplete toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads, and ambulance and rescue crews cannot reach them.

Most experts estimate the death toll is much higher – and could be as high as 200,000, when counting both direct and indirect deaths related to the Israeli war on Gaza since October 7, 2023.

  1. Laith Marwan Shawahna, 18, Jenin, 09.01.2024.
  2. Mohannad Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Aswad, 34, Hebron, 09.01.2024.
  3. Abdullah Nasser Abdullah Hamou, 16, Jenin, 09.01.2024.
  4. Mohammed Mahmoud Abdullah Hamou, 13, Jenin, 09.01.2024.
  5. Mohammad Amin Talal Abdullah, 19, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  6. Amjad Mustafa Ibrahim Saleh, 23, Jenin, 08.31.2024.
  7. Mohammad Ihsan Yaqin Maraqa, 18, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  8. Zohdi Nidal Abu Afifa, 19, Hebron, 08.31.2024.
  9. Maysara Suleiman Abdul Masharqa, 33, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  10. Arafat Jasser Ahmad Amer, 27, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  11. Wissam Ayman Zidan Khazem, 30, Jenin, 08.30.2024.
  12. Tawfiq Ahmad Younis Qandeel, 83, Jenin.
  13. Mohammad Bassam Orabi, 32, Jenin, 08.29.2024.
  14. Ayed Mahmoud Nimer Abu Al-Haija, 64, Tulkarem, 28.2024.
  15. Mohammad Ibrahim Tawfiq Abed, 31, Jenin, 28.2024.
  16. Ahmad Moayyad Mahmoud Sous, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  17. Sa’id Ali Sa’id Wahdan, 29, Jenin, 28.2024.
  18. Mohammad Nidal Abdul-Rahman, 21, Jenin, 28.2024.
  19. Morad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 13, Tubas, 28.2024.
  20. Mohammad Mas’ud Na’ja (Ja’aysa), 17, Tubas, 28.2024.
  21. Ahmad Saleh Nabrisi, 18, Tubas, 28.2024.
  22. Ibrahim Abdul-Qader Ghneima, 21, Tubas,28.2024.
  23. Qassam Mohammad Jabarin, 24, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  24. Assem Walid Bal’out (Dabaya), 39, Jenin, 08.27.2024.
  25. Firas Bassam Alaqma “Turkman”, 34, Jenin, 08.28.2024.
  26. Adnan Ayser Jaber, 15, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  27. Mohammad Ahmad Elian, 16, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  28. Mohannad Kamal Qaraawi, 20, Tulkarem, 27.2024.
  29. Jibril Ghassan Ismail Jibril, 20, Qalqilia, 27.2024.
  30. Mohammad Ali Mustafa Yousef, 49, Jenin, 27.2024.