Palestina Oggi 050508
Click on Link below to download or play MP3 file||Time 02m 30s||File 2.30 MB|| Benvenuti a Palestina Oggi, un servizio dell`International Middle East Media Centre,, per giovedì 5 Maggio…
International Middle East Media Center
Click on Link below to download or play MP3 file||Time 02m 30s||File 2.30 MB|| Benvenuti a Palestina Oggi, un servizio dell`International Middle East Media Centre,, per giovedì 5 Maggio…
The Israeli President, Shimon Peres, stated Monday that "Iran is a danger not only for Israel but also for the rest of the world", adding that if Iran were to…
The de-facto Hamas government in Gaza described yesterday the latest Palestinian-Israeli peace talks as ‘ aimless and useless’. Taher aL-Nuno, spokesman of the government, said in a statement, faxed to…
El gobierno de-facto de Hamás en Gaza dijo ayer que las conversaciones sobre paz, entre israelÃes y palestinos, “no tienen ningún propósito y son inútilesâ€. Taher al-Nuro, portavoz del gobierno,…
‘Closed because of the siege,’ a sign reads on the front door of the Al-Yazji factory on the main Salah al-Din road in Gaza City. Al-Yazji, the largest producer of…
An Israeli air strike killed early on Tuesday a Qassam fighter and wounded another, when the car they were driving was hit with a missile. Medical sources in northern Gaza…
A primeras horas del martes un ataque aéreo israelà mataba a un lanzador de cohetes Qassam y herÃa a otro cuando el misil impactó en el coche que iban conduciendo.Fuentes…
A committee of the Israeli Ministry of the Interior ruled Monday that the illegal Israeli settlement of Modi'in Illit should be granted legal status, despite the construction of unauthorized expansions…
Una comisión del Ministerio israelà del Interior dictaminó el lunes que el asentamiento ilegal israelà de Modi’in Illit debe adquirir el estatus de legal, a pesar de la construcción por…
The Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, ordered a full closure on all Israeli-occupied Palestinian land in advance of the Israeli holiday of 'Remembrance Day'. The occupied Gaza Strip is already…
El Ministro de Defensa de Israel, Ehud Barak, ordenó un cierre completo en todas las tierras palestinas ocupadas por Israel, en preparación para el “DÃa del Recuerdoâ€, festivo en Israel.…
Palestinian medical sources reported that on Monday after midnight, two residents were wounded when the Israeli army fired at least one missile at a group of residents who gathered near…
Fuentes médicas palestinas informan que el martes de madrugada, dos residentes resultaron heridos cuando el ejército israelà disparó al menos un misil contra un grupo de residentes que estaban congregados…
An official at the International Red Cross stated on Monday that all visitations for Palestinian detainees imprisoned by Israel were suspended until further notice. The official added that the…
Fuentes polÃticas israelÃes declararon el lunes que la reunión celebrada ese mismo dÃa entre el Presidente palestino, Mahmoud Abbas, y el Primer Ministro israelÃ, Ehud Olmert, logró avanzar en los…
Israeli political sources stated on Monday that the Monday meeting between Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, managed to achieve a progress on security related arrangements…
Click on Link to download or play MP3 file|| 3 m 0s || 2.75 MB || Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,,…
Three Palestinian women, including a 13-year old girl, died in the Gaza strip on Monday after being prevented by the Israeli authorities from leaving Gaza to for medical treatment abroad.Asmahan…
Tres mujeres palestinas, una de 13 años de edad, fallecieron el lunes en la Franja de Gaza después de que las autoridades israelÃes hubiesen impedido su salida de Gaza para…
The Israeli government set forth on Monday three main conditions for a possible Egypt-brokered ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians. Spokesman of the Israeli government, Mark Regev, told the IMEMC…
El Gobierno Israelà ha puesto hoy lunes tres condiciones principales para un posible alto el fuego entre Israel y los Palestinos, con la mediación de Egipto.El portavoz del Gobierno IsraelÃ,…
One Palestinian was reportedly killed an five others were wounded when a tunnel on Gaza-Egypt border lines was collapsed Monday. Medical sources confirmed that Rami Alsha’er, was killed and five…
Se ha informado que un Palestino ha resultado muerto y cinco más heridos cuando un túnel en la frontera Gaza-Egipto se ha hundido hoy lunes. Fuentes médicas confirmaron que Rami…