{mosimage}Farha Barghouhi, 74-year-old, known as “the mother of prisoners” was admitted to the Intensive care unit at Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Ramallah on April, 10, 2005 suffering from pneumonia, her first and last wish is to see her jailed sons before she dies.

“Everything is in the hands of God now, she is dying, we can’t do anything to help her, except making sure we provide her with every care an attention she needs”, a doctor said.

Yet, Farha only carries with her one wish, to see her jailed sons before she dies, “I want to see them before die, I want to see Nael, and Omar before I meet my creator”, the mother said.

The two sons of Farha were arrested in 1978 after the army accused them of killing an Israeli military pilot; they are both imprisoned in Ashkelon prison.

Nael was never released since he was arrested in 1978, but his brother Omar was released in 1985, and was rearrested to join his brother, behind bars, once again.

Farha never lost hope that one day she will see her jailed sons before she dies, she appealed to the Palestinian Authority to arrange a visit to enable her see her sons one last time before she passes away.

She managed to visit Omar some six years ago, but was not allowed to visit Nael “for the security threats he poses!”

April, 14, 2005, the mother was transferred by ambulance from the hospital to Ashkelon detention where her two sons are held.

Nour Amer, a wife of a Palestinian Prisoner, Jasser Amer, a bearer of a Jerusalem identity card, accompanied the mother.

“She kept saying I Hope I can se them one last time before I pass away”, Nour said.
“When we arrived at the Ofer checkpoint, an Israeli ambulance took us to Askelon prison, the health condition of Farha deteriorated along the way, I though she wont make it, but I prayed that she will be able to see her sons before she dies”, Nour added.
When the ambulance arrived to Ashkelon detention, soldiers did not allow Nour to enter, but when they realized the health condition of the mother and the help she needs, they allowed Nour in, especially after the saw that the mother can’t make it alone, and can’t walk.
The two brothers were informed that their dying mother is coming to see them only half an hour before the ambulance arrived.
The mother could not believe that its only some minutes which are separating her from her jailed sons, some minutes separating her from seeing them again, for the last time before she dies.
When the two brothers were brought to the visitors’ room, one they saw her they started weeping and carrying.
“Oh Beloved mother, oh beloved mother”, and fell on her knees kissing the hands and feet of their dying mother, the hands and feet of a mother who went through every difficulty, in spite of her bad health conditions, in order to see her sons.
“It was…indeed, the most tragic and emotional scene I have ever seen in my whole life”, Nour said.
Thank Allah “God”, the mother said, thank God I saw you my beloved sons before I die, the emotions did not only make her sons cry, every detainee and visitor in the visiting room did, seeing the dying mother coming to visit her son, and see them for the last time before she passes away.
The two sons bid their mother farewell, as much as they were happy to finally see as, as much is was hard for them, knowing that they will never see her again, yet they will not be able to attend her funeral, and kiss her forehead one last time before her burial.
Source, Palestine Info