A Palestinian resident killed in vague circumstances
A Palestinian resident from the Gaza Strip city of Deir Elbalah, was reportedly found killed Tuesday in a vague circumstances. Palestinian media sources and witnesses said that Sami Khattab, a…
International Middle East Media Center
A Palestinian resident from the Gaza Strip city of Deir Elbalah, was reportedly found killed Tuesday in a vague circumstances. Palestinian media sources and witnesses said that Sami Khattab, a…
Se ha informado que un Palestino residente en la ciudad de Deir Elbalah, en la Franja de Gaza, se ha encontrado muerto el martes en extrañas circunstancias. Fuentes de información…
Israeli government sources told media agencies on Tuesday that Israel will resume on Wednesday supplying Gaza with minimum quantities of fuel needed to generate electricity and cooking gasIsraeli Defense Minister,…
Fuentes gubernamentales israelÃes dijeron el martes a las agencias de comunicación, que Israel reanudará el miércoles en Gaza el suministro de las cantidades mÃnimas de combustible necesarias para generar electricidad…
La policÃa israelà demolió el lunes por la tarde a una casa propiedad de un palestino, ubicada en el barrio de Anata, en la parte norte de la ciudad de…
The Israeli police demolished on Monday afternoon a Palestinian owned house located in Anata neighborhood, in the northern part of Jerusalem city.Witnesses stated that bulldozers and Israeli troops surrounded the…
Israeli soldiers attacked on Tuesday at dawn the Islamic Charitable Society in Hebron city, in the southern part of the West Bank and shut down several projects run the charitable…
Soldados IsraelÃes atacaron el martes de madrugada la Sociedad Islámica de Beneficencia en la ciudad de Hebrón, en la parte sur de Cisjordania y clausuraron varios proyectos que lleva a…
UNRWA Commissioner-General, Karen Abu Zeid, stated on Monday that the situation in the Gaza Strip is disastrous, and that extensive efforts are needed to end the crisis in the coastal…
La Comisionada General de la UNRWA, Agencia de las NNUU para los Refugiados Palestinos en Oriente Medio, Karen Abu Zeid, manifestó el lunes que la situación en la Franja de…
A Palestinian fighter was reportedly killed later on Monday night, after an Israeli drone fired a missile on the northern Gaza Strip city of Beit Hanoun, media sources said. The…
Un combatiente Palestino fue matado a última hora de la noche del lunes, después de que un avión no tripulado Israelà disparara un misil en la ciudad de Beit Hanoun,…
Secretary-General of the Islamic-Christian Front for Defending Jerusalem and its Holy Sites, Dr. Hasan Khater, warned on Monday that Israel started implementing a new plan which targets the Arab presence…
El Secretario General del Frente Islámico-Cristiano de Defensa de Jerusalén y sus Santos Lugares, Dr Hasan Khater, advirtió el lunes de que Israel ha empezado a aplicar un nuevo plan…
Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Monday that four major universities had to shut down due to shortages of fuel as the students became unable to travel from…
Fuentes palestinas en la Franja de Gaza informaron el lunes que cuatro de las más importantes Universidades han tenido que cerrar sus puestas debido a la escasez de combustible, ya…
The Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, reported on Monday that its fighters managed to shoot an Israeli soldier with a sniper-rifle in Khuza’a town, in…
Las Brigadas de Al Quds, el brazo armado de la Yihad Islámica, informó el lunes que sus combatientes lograron disparar a un soldado israelà con un rifle de francotirador en…
Media sources close to the Hamas movement reported that Palestinian Security Devices, loyal to Fateh movement, arrested on Sunday 21 supporters of the movement in several West Bank districts.The Salfit…
Medios de fuentes cercanas al movimiento palestino de Hamas informaron que Dispositivos de Seguridad palestinos, leales al movimiento Fatah, detuvieron el domingo a 21 simpatizantes del movimiento Hamas en varios…
On Sunday, there were no US flags and lots of Israeli flags in a "street fair" dubbed "Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem Street fair" in Teaneck, NJ. I came a bit early…
Click on Link to download or play MP3 file || 3 m 0s || 2.75 MB || Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,…
A Palestinian resistance group announced that its fighters attacked an Israeli army patrol along the Gaza-Israel border, in central Gaza, on Monday morning. The Al Quds brigades, the armed wing…
A group of radical Israeli settlers from the settlement of Efrat attacked Palestinian farmers from the nearby village of Al Ma'ssarah, located near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem,…
Un grupo de colonos radicales israelÃes del asentamiento de Efrat atacó el lunes, antes del mediodÃa, a los agricultores palestinos de la cercana aldea de Al Ma’ssarah, que se encuentra…
Palestinian medical sources in Gaza City reported that one Palestinian patient died on Monday midday, succumbing to cancer after having been denied a permit by the occupying Israeli army to…
Fuentes médicas Palestinas de la ciudad de Gaza han informado que una paciente Palestina murió el lunes al mediodÃa, sucumbiendo al cáncer, después de habérsele denegado un permiso por el…